Icon Writers / 14 Feb, 2025

Just as there is an adjustment to life with cancer, it also takes some time to transition to life after cancer.

Although you may want to get back to your normal life straight away, it is important to remember that this experience has likely left its mark on you and your family both physically and emotionally. Follow-up care will play a significant role in the years to come.

Follow-up exams and testsFollow-up exams and tests

Once treatment finishes, follow up tests and check-ups will continue for several years to monitor any sign of the cancer returning and long-term side effects. They may be more regular in the beginning and then move to longer intervals such as annually. This will also give you the opportunity to raise any questions or concerns with your care team.

Long-term side effectsLong-term side effects

Cancer treatment in children and young adults can in some instances cause long-term side effects, including an increased risk of other cancers as they grow into adulthood, growth and other hormonal concerns. Watching out for these and reporting them to the doctor can help identify any long-term side effects and ensure they can be managed quickly. For more information on long term side effects, click here.

Finding your new normalFinding your new normal

It can take some time to overcome the social and emotional issues that have developed during cancer treatment. Children and young adults may be worried about:

  • Dealing with physical side effects from treatment
  • The cancer returning or new health issues
  • Being treated differently by friends, peers and family
  • How their future will look and concerns around dating, marrying or having a family

Your care team at Icon can help connect you with support programs and services to help children and their families after treatment ends.

The most important thing is for your family to grow and develop in the same way they would have without the impact of cancer. We encourage you to return to normal life as much as possible, which may include school, extracurricular activities and spending time with friends. For young children, focus should be placed on returning to a daily routine and encouraging them to be as independent as other children their age. Talk to your care team if you have any concerns around your child’s development.

We are always here for youWe are always here for you

At Icon, we are here to support you and your family throughout all stages of you and your child’s cancer journey. To help you move forward in life after cancer, please speak with your care team at any time to ask questions and discuss any concerns.

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