An overview of childhood cancers

Icon Writers / 22 12 月, 2020

Dr LeLe Aung talks with Smarter Health IndonesiaDr LeLe Aung talks with Smarter Health Indonesia

Did you know that each year in Indonesia, more than 4 000 children are diagnosed with cancer? With leukaemia now the most common childhood cancer diagnosed across the world, Icon Paediatric Haematologist-Oncologist Dr LeLe Aung recently raised awareness on this important issue and discussed childhood cancer and leukaemia alongside Smarter Health Indonesia.

During the Facebook Live, Dr Aung answered questions including:

  • How has the development of leukaemia treatment in children changed in the last decade?
  • Are there any risk factors that can be prevented?
  • How can we better understand cancer in children?

Watch Smarter Health Indonesia’s Facebook Live below.

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