Profile picture of Lau Pik Onn

Lau Pik Onn医生

Profile picture of Lau Pik Onn

MBBS (Singapore)

Icon Health Screening

Dr Lau Pik Onn gained extensive experience in local hospitals and polyclinics before entering private practice in 1993.

After 14 years as a general practitioner, she joined a private medical centre in 2008 as a resident doctor in health screening.

She joined Icon Health Screening in December 2019 as the senior resident physician where she continues to focus on her passion in health screening, preventive medicine and weight management. Dr Lau is a keen advocate of lifestyle management, and early detection and treatment of health problems.

She walks the talk with regular exercise and a healthy diet. Dr Lau can converse in English, Mandarin and Bahasa and looks forward to working with patients in their language. Dr Lau’s commitment to her clients is evident as she always offers professional advice with a personal touch. With her warmth and empathy, it is no wonder that many clients think of her as more than a doctor. She is also a trusted advisor and a companion in their journey towards better health.

Married, with two sons, Dr Lau cherishes quality time with her family despite her busy schedule.

Languages spoken

  • Bahasa Indonesia
  • Mandarin
  • 英语





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