Profile picture of LeLe Aung

LeLe Aung医生

Profile picture of LeLe Aung


安微尼亚山(Mount Alvernia)



LeLe Aung医生是一名儿科及儿童血液肿瘤科医生,拥有超过二十年的临床执业经验。她在美国纽约州立大学获得了理学士学位(生物学理学士),并在美国梅哈里医学院获得了医学博士学位。于1996至1999年在美国明尼苏达大学完成儿科住院医师研究生培训后,Aung医生在1999至2002年期间于世界著名的纪念斯隆·凯特琳癌症中心和位于美国纽约的威尔康奈尔医学院-纽约长老会医院完成了一项儿童血液肿瘤学研究。除了获得美国儿科血液学肿瘤学会认证外,她还是美国儿科学会的会员。Aung医生在小儿内科学和儿童血液肿瘤学科方面均获得新加坡认证委员会的认证。



LeLe Aung医生接受儿童、青少年和年轻人所有血液病和癌症诊断的转诊,特别关注脑肿瘤、肾癌、肝癌、神经母细胞瘤和肉瘤。



    • Osteosarcoma in adolescents and young adults: Our Experience in Singapore. L Aung, AS Tin, TC Quah, RW Pho. Ann Acad Med Singapore. 2014; 43(6):305-13
    • Singapore rhabdomyosarcoma experience:Shall we change our practice? L Aung, AS Tin, K Chang, TC Quah.  Ann Acad Med Singapore. 2014;43:86-95
    • The hidden impact of childhood cancer on the family: A multi institutional study from Singapore. Aung L, Sabai SM, Chan MY, et al.  Ann Acad Med Singapore, 2012; 41:170-5
    • Neuroblastoma: Experience from the National University Health System, Singapore. Tan C, Sabai SM, Tin AS, Quah TC, Aung L. Singapore Med J, 2012; 53(1)19
    • Diagnostic delay in paediatric solid tumours: A population based study on determinants and impact on outcomes. Loh AHP, Aung L, Ha C, et al.  Pediatr Blood & Cancer. 2012; 58:561-5 doi: 10.1002/pbc.23382
    • Metachronous skeletal osteosarcoma in patients successfully treated with adjuvant and neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Aung L, Gorlick R, Healey J, Shi W, et al.  J Clin Oncol 2003; 21:342-8
    • Secondary malignant neoplasms in long-term survivors of patients with osteosarcoma:  MSKCC experience. Aung L, Gorlick R, Shi W, et al. Cancer 2002; 95:1728-34


Languages spoken

  • 英语


  • 美国儿科学会(AAP)会员
  • 美国儿科血液学肿瘤学会(ASPHO)会员
  • 新加坡“国际微笑行动”儿科医生志愿者(2012年,2016年)


    • Osteosarcoma in adolescents and young adults: Our Experience in Singapore. L Aung, AS Tin, TC Quah, RW Pho. Ann Acad Med Singapore. 2014; 43(6):305-13
    • Singapore rhabdomyosarcoma experience:Shall we change our practice? L Aung, AS Tin, K Chang, TC Quah.  Ann Acad Med Singapore. 2014;43:86-95
    • The hidden impact of childhood cancer on the family: A multi institutional study from Singapore. Aung L, Sabai SM, Chan MY, et al.  Ann Acad Med Singapore, 2012; 41:170-5
    • Neuroblastoma: Experience from the National University Health System, Singapore. Tan C, Sabai SM, Tin AS, Quah TC, Aung L. Singapore Med J, 2012; 53(1)19
    • Diagnostic delay in paediatric solid tumours: A population based study on determinants and impact on outcomes. Loh AHP, Aung L, Ha C, et al.  Pediatr Blood & Cancer. 2012; 58:561-5 doi: 10.1002/pbc.23382
    • Metachronous skeletal osteosarcoma in patients successfully treated with adjuvant and neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Aung L, Gorlick R, Healey J, Shi W, et al.  J Clin Oncol 2003; 21:342-8
    • Secondary malignant neoplasms in long-term survivors of patients with osteosarcoma:  MSKCC experience. Aung L, Gorlick R, Shi W, et al. Cancer 2002; 95:1728-34


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