Profile picture of Tanya Holt

Tanya Holt医生


Dr Tanya Holt is committed to delivering personalised, patient-focused care. She brings a calm and evidence-based approach to her practice and her patients benefit from her strong understanding and knowledge of cancer care.


Dr Tanya Holt is an experienced radiation oncologist at Icon Cancer Centre Greenslopes, bringing over 15 years’ experience in the diagnosis and treatment of genitourinary cancers, anorectal cancers and palliative radiation therapy. She obtained her Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) at Adelaide University and subsequently completed specialist oncology training in Brisbane. Dr Holt became a fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (FRANZCR) before joining the Princess Alexandra Hospital as a consultant radiation oncologist at the Mater Centre site in 2006. She holds current appointments as senior lecturer at the University of Queensland and RANZCR examiner.

Dr Holt maintains an active interest in education, research and clinical trials, participating in several key studies and trials investigating radiation therapy treatments for prostate cancer, bladder cancer and palliative care. As an examiner for the RANZCR, she has been heavily involved in the development of the Australian and New Zealand Radiation Oncology Training Programme since the curriculum inception in 2006. Dr Holt is an active member of several leading cancer trial groups including Trans Tasman Radiation Oncology Group (TROG), Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate Cancer Trials Group (ANZUP) and International Society of Palliative Radiation Oncology (SPRO). In collaboration with TROG, she has acted as lead Australian investigator on a number of published international palliative radiation therapy trials. She is the current chairperson of the Faculty of Radiation Oncology Genitourinary Group, a group with a strong focus on education and advocacy.

Dr Holt believes in the holistic treatment of palliative patients and established the first Australian Rapid Response Palliative Radiation Clinic in 2010. She subsequently established a pathway and training for the first Australian advanced practice palliative radiation therapist. Her clinical experience covers a broad range of solid tumour malignancies with special clinical interest in prostate cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, anorectal cancer and skin cancers, and stereotactic and palliative radiation therapy.


  • Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate Cancer Trials Group (ANZUP)
  • American Society of Radiation Oncology (ASTRO)
  • European Society of Radiation Oncology (ESTRO)
  • Faculty of Radiation Oncology Genitourinary Group (FROGG)
  • Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR)
  • International Society of Palliative Radiation Oncology (SPRO)
  • Trans Tasman Radiation Oncology Group (TROG)


Dr Tanya Holt accepts referrals for all cancer types, with a special clinical interest in:
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Palliative care
  • Skin cancer
  • 前列腺癌


  • Radiation Oncology Princess Alexandra Hospital Raymond Terrace (ROPART)
  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital
  • UroMed South Brisbane – Mater Private Clinic


  • Rapid Access Palliative Radiation Therapy Clinics: The Evidence Is There, but Where Are the Clinics? An Australian and New Zealand Perspective. D. Roos, M. James, M. Lah, K. Pope, A. Shorthouse, R. Govindaraj, & T. Holt. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 2021; 111(4), 959–964.

  • Development of quality indicators to monitor radiotherapy care for men with prostate cancer: A modified Delphi method. Tsiamis, J. Millar, S. Baxi, M. Borg, P. De Ieso, H. Elsaleh, F. Foroudi, B. Higgs, T. Holt, J. Martin, K. Moretti, D. Pryor, M. Skala & S. Evans. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 2018. 128(2): 308-314.

  • Radiotherapy for recurrent prostate cancer: 2018 Recommendations of the Australian and New Zealand Radiation Oncology Genito-Urinary group. H. Lieng, A. Hayden, D. Christie, B. Davis, T. Eade, L. Emmett, T. Holt, G. Hruby, D. Pryor, T. Shakespeare, M. Sidhom, M. Skala, K. Wiltshire, J. Yaxley, & A. Kneebone. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 2018. 129(2): 377-386.

  • TROG 18.01 phase III randomised clinical trial of the Novel Integration of New prostate radiation schedules with adJuvant Androgen deprivation: NINJA study protocol. J. Martin, P. Keall, S. Siva, P. Greer, D. Christie, K. Moore, J. Dowling, D. Pryor, P. Chong, N. McLeod, A. Raman, J. Lynam, J. Smart, C. Oldmeadow, C. Tang, D. Murphy, J. Millar, K. Tai, L. Holloway & M. Sidhom. BMJ Open, 2019; 9(8).

  • Radiotherapy for node-positive prostate cancer: 2019 Recommendations of the Australian and New Zealand Radiation Oncology Genito-Urinary group. H. Lieng, A. Kneebone, A. Hayden, D. Christie, B. Davis, T. Eade, L. Emmett, T. Holt, G. Hruby, D. Pryor, M. Sidhom, M. Skala, J. Yaxley, & T. Shakespeare. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 2019; 140: 68-75.

