Treatment for childhood retinoblastoma

There are many different types of treatment for retinoblastoma. Your treatment will depend on you and your cancer.

What are the treatments for retinoblastoma?What are the treatments for retinoblastoma?

Treatment for retinoblastoma aims to cure the cancer, and if possible, preserve the vision of the patient. The treatment that is delivered will be personalised based on the type, size and location of the cancer and the child’s age and general health as part of the treatment protocol developed by their Paediatric Haematologist-Oncologist.

Chemotherapy may be used to shrink the tumour/s, followed by cryotherapy or laser therapy, or when retinoblastoma has spread to areas outside of the eye.

Both brachytherapy and external radiation therapy are treatment options for retinoblastoma, however external beam radiation therapy is typically reserved for advanced retinoblastoma or if other treatment is no longer effective, due to potential long-term side effects in children and young adults.

If the tumour is too large to be treated by other means or has not responded to treatment, surgery may be used to remove the affected eye.



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