Profile picture of Patricia Kho Sunn Sunn

Dr Patricia Kho Sunn Sunn

Profile picture of Patricia Kho Sunn Sunn

Senior Consultant, Specialist in Medical Oncology. Medical Director, Icon Cancer Centre at Mt Alvernia

MBBS (UK), FRACP (Australia), MPhil (Sydney)
onkolog medis

“Saya percaya setiap pasien saya layak mendapatkan pendekatan holistik yang dipersonalisasi untuk pengobatan kanker mereka, termasuk akses ke uji klinis serta cara pengobatan berbasis bukti yang paling muktahir.”



Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun, Dr Patricia Kho adalah spesialis onkologi medis berpengalaman yang praktek di Mount Elizabeth Novena, Gleneagles dan Mount Alvernia Hospital, Singapore. Beliau memiliki minat subspesialisasi dalam bidang kanker paru, kepala dan leher, payudara serta gastrointestinal.

Dr Kho lulus dari University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Inggris, dan bekerja di National University Hospital (NUH) di Singapura sebelum melanjutkan pendidikan pascasarjana spesialisnya di Medical Oncology di Sydney Cancer Centre, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, (sekarang dikenal sebagai Chris O’brien Lifehouse) di bawah bimbingan Prof Michael Boyer, Prof Stephen Clarke dan Prof Alan Coates. Beliau memperoleh fellowship dari Royal Australasian College of Physicians (FRACP) pada tahun 2003.

Minatnya pada penelitian translasional untuk menemukan pengobatan kanker yang terpersonalisasi mendorongnya bekerja di Genome Institute of Singapore di bawah bimbingan Prof Edison Liu dari tahun 2002 hingga 2003. Beliau kemudian memperoleh gelar Master of Philosophy (Kedokteran) dari University of Sydney dengan tesis penelitian berjudul “Mengoptimalkan Pengobatan Ajuvan untuk Kanker Kolorektal”.

Dr Kho kembali ke Sydney pada tahun 2005 dan diangkat sebagai Kepala Departemen Onkologi Medis di Rumah Sakit Liverpool, sebuah rumah sakit universitas pendidikan umum di Sydney. Beliau juga menjabat sebagai Direktur unit Uji Klinis, dosen klinis di University of New South Wales dan ilmuwan tamu Garvan Institute of Research di Sydney.



  • p53-regulated Transcriptional Program Associated with Genotoxic Stress-Induced Apoptosis. (P S Kho, Z Wang, L Zhuang, ET Liu, Q Yu et al; Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol.279, Issue 20, 21183-21192, May 14, 2004)

  • Multicenter validation of the Chinese University Prognostic Index (CUPI) for hepatocellular carcinoma (T Leung, F Mo, M Boyer, P Kho, A Chang, J Wong for the Cancer Therapeutics Group, ASCO Proceedings 2003, abstract 1040)

  • A review of demographics and treatment outcomes of patients with stage III Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) in Southwestern Sydney. M Moore, P Kho; Poster for Medical Oncology Group Annual Meeting 2006

  • Demographic and pathological variables in stage 4 colon cancer (CC) patients with a resected primary tumour: analysis of the South Western Sydney Colorectal Tumour Group (SSWCTG) database. Sayed Ali, Patricia Kho, Bin B.Jalaludin, Siu Kin C. Wong; presented at World GI 2009, Barcelona and Medical Oncology Group Annual Meeting 2009 (oral presentation)

  • Wei Chua, Patricia S Kho, Melissa M Moore, Kellie A Chrales and Stephen J Clarke Clinical, laboratory and molecular factors predicting chemotherapy efficacy and toxicity in colorectal cancer. Critical Reviews in Oncology and Hematology (in press)

  • Is it Prime Time for Personalized Medicine in Oncology? Patricia S Kho, Wei Chua, Melissa M Moore and Stephen J Clarke Personalized Medicine, July 2010, Vol. 7, No. 4, Pages 387-397.

  • Adjuvant chemotherapy for Stage C Rectal cancer. Patricia Kho, Pierre Chapius, Stephen Clarke et al. Colorectal Diseases

“Saya percaya setiap pasien saya layak mendapatkan pendekatan holistik yang dipersonalisasi untuk pengobatan kanker mereka, termasuk akses ke uji klinis serta cara pengobatan berbasis bukti yang paling muktahir.”

Ketertarikan khusus

  • Breast cancer
  • Gastrointestinal cancer
  • Head and neck cancer
  • Lung cancer

Languages spoken

  • English
  • Hokkien
  • Mandarin

Lokasi Icon


  • p53-regulated Transcriptional Program Associated with Genotoxic Stress-Induced Apoptosis. (P S Kho, Z Wang, L Zhuang, ET Liu, Q Yu et al; Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol.279, Issue 20, 21183-21192, May 14, 2004)

  • Multicenter validation of the Chinese University Prognostic Index (CUPI) for hepatocellular carcinoma (T Leung, F Mo, M Boyer, P Kho, A Chang, J Wong for the Cancer Therapeutics Group, ASCO Proceedings 2003, abstract 1040)

  • A review of demographics and treatment outcomes of patients with stage III Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) in Southwestern Sydney. M Moore, P Kho; Poster for Medical Oncology Group Annual Meeting 2006

  • Demographic and pathological variables in stage 4 colon cancer (CC) patients with a resected primary tumour: analysis of the South Western Sydney Colorectal Tumour Group (SSWCTG) database. Sayed Ali, Patricia Kho, Bin B.Jalaludin, Siu Kin C. Wong; presented at World GI 2009, Barcelona and Medical Oncology Group Annual Meeting 2009 (oral presentation)

  • Wei Chua, Patricia S Kho, Melissa M Moore, Kellie A Chrales and Stephen J Clarke Clinical, laboratory and molecular factors predicting chemotherapy efficacy and toxicity in colorectal cancer. Critical Reviews in Oncology and Hematology (in press)

  • Is it Prime Time for Personalized Medicine in Oncology? Patricia S Kho, Wei Chua, Melissa M Moore and Stephen J Clarke Personalized Medicine, July 2010, Vol. 7, No. 4, Pages 387-397.

  • Adjuvant chemotherapy for Stage C Rectal cancer. Patricia Kho, Pierre Chapius, Stephen Clarke et al. Colorectal Diseases


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