“I believe every one of my patients deserves a personalised and holistic approach to their cancer care, including access to clinical trials and up-to-date, evidence-based avenues of treatment.”

Dr Patricia Kho Sunn Sunn
- Mount Alvernia
With over 20 years of experience, Dr Patricia Kho is an experienced medical oncologist who is practicing at Mount Elizabeth Novena, Gleneagles and Mount Alvernia Hospital, Singapore. She has subspecialty interests in lung, head and neck, breast and gastrointestinal cancers.
Dr Kho graduated from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, and worked at the National University Hospital (NUH) in Singapore before continuing her specialist postgraduate training in Medical Oncology at the Sydney Cancer Centre, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, (now known as Chris O’brien Lifehouse) under the mentorship of Prof Michael Boyer, Prof Stephen Clarke and Prof Alan Coates. She obtained her fellowship from the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (FRACP) in 2003.
Her interest in translational research in search of personalised cancer treatments, led her to work at Genome Institute of Singapore under Prof Edison Liu from 2002 to 2003. She subsequently obtained a Master of Philosophy (Medicine) from the University of Sydney with a research thesis entitled “Optimising Adjuvant Treatment for Colorectal Cancer”.
Dr Kho returned to Sydney in 2005 and was appointed Head of the Department of Medical Oncology in Liverpool Hospital, a public teaching university hospital in Sydney. She was also the Director of the Clinical Trials unit, Clinical lecturer of University of New South Wales and a visiting scientist at the Garvan Institute of Research in Sydney.
p53-regulated Transcriptional Program Associated with Genotoxic Stress-Induced Apoptosis. (P S Kho, Z Wang, L Zhuang, ET Liu, Q Yu et al; Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol.279, Issue 20, 21183-21192, May 14, 2004)
Multicenter validation of the Chinese University Prognostic Index (CUPI) for hepatocellular carcinoma (T Leung, F Mo, M Boyer, P Kho, A Chang, J Wong for the Cancer Therapeutics Group, ASCO Proceedings 2003, abstract 1040)
A review of demographics and treatment outcomes of patients with stage III Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) in Southwestern Sydney. M Moore, P Kho; Poster for Medical Oncology Group Annual Meeting 2006
Demographic and pathological variables in stage 4 colon cancer (CC) patients with a resected primary tumour: analysis of the South Western Sydney Colorectal Tumour Group (SSWCTG) database. Sayed Ali, Patricia Kho, Bin B.Jalaludin, Siu Kin C. Wong; presented at World GI 2009, Barcelona and Medical Oncology Group Annual Meeting 2009 (oral presentation)
Wei Chua, Patricia S Kho, Melissa M Moore, Kellie A Chrales and Stephen J Clarke Clinical, laboratory and molecular factors predicting chemotherapy efficacy and toxicity in colorectal cancer. Critical Reviews in Oncology and Hematology (in press)
Is it Prime Time for Personalized Medicine in Oncology? Patricia S Kho, Wei Chua, Melissa M Moore and Stephen J Clarke Personalized Medicine, July 2010, Vol. 7, No. 4, Pages 387-397.
Adjuvant chemotherapy for Stage C Rectal cancer. Patricia Kho, Pierre Chapius, Stephen Clarke et al. Colorectal Diseases